University of Bonn
16-22 August 2021
Theme: Household decision making and human capital in life-cycle models
This is a past event
You are welcome to browse the lecture schedule and the conference program using the links on the left, as well as browse through the teaching materials available through a public GitHub repository, and videos posted on our YouTube channel.
We are pleased to announce the next event in the sequence of Econometric Society summer schools in Dynamic Structural Econometrics. The primary audience of DSE 2021 summer school is advanced PhD students who will benefit from interacting with the top researchers in dynamic structural econometrics.
The DSE summer school provides students with tools and hands-on computational instruction to carry out research in applied microeconometrics, emphasizing the close integration of economic and econometric theory in empirical work. We will discuss the state of the art methods for solving and simulating dynamic programming models and estimating them. Numerous empirical applications illustrate how these tools and techniques are used in practice.
Besides the core components, including single-agent models, equilibrium models, and dynamic games, the course will also feature applications that follow the special theme of this year’s conference, household decision making, and human capital in life-cycle models.
At DSE2021 students will have a chance to present their research and have ample chance to discuss it with colleagues and lecturers.
The 2021 CRC/TR 224 & Econometric Society DSE summer school consists of 5 days of lectures held in conjunction with the Dynamic Structural Econometrics Conference 2021 (August 19-20, 2021). The local partner is the CRC 224 “Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges” financed by the German Research Foundation.
DSE 2021 is planned to run in person, subject to COVID regulation and entry conditions by German government. See for current regulations.
DSE 2021 lecturers and invited speakers
2021 organizers
Core organizers
We hope to see you in Bonn in August 2021!
However, due to the current uncertainty of the CoViD-19 situation and potential travel restrictions, we might need to change the setting to a hybrid event or even hold it in an entirely virtual fashion. We make this decision closer to the date of the event.