It is with great regret we inform that
Due to COVID-19 situation DSE2020 summer school is CANCELED
University of Zürich UZH
15-21 June 2020
The 2020 Econometric Society DSE summer school consists of 5 days of lectures held in conjunction with the 4th Conference on Structural Dynamic Models (June 18-19, 2020).
Besides the core components (single agent models, equilibrium models, and dynamic games) the course will feature applications in computational macro modeling focused on environmental economics and climate change.
DSE 2021 lecturer and invited speakers
DSE 2021 organizers
Core DSE organizers
The lecturers of the summer school include:
- Fedor Iskhakov (Australian National University)
- Robert A Miller (Carnegie Mellon University)
- John Rust (Georgetown University)
- Simon Scheidegger (University of Lausanne)
- Tony Smith (Yale University)
- Bertel Schjerning (University of Copenhagen)
Both events will take place at the University of Zürich (UZH) during the second week of June 2020.
Students attending the summer school are expected to participate in the two day conference and the summer school is therefore planned for 3 days before and 2 days after the conference (Monday to Wednesday, and Saturday to Sunday),
with the conference taking place on Thursday and Friday.
Course program
Given the overlap of lectures with previous years, the course outline will be similar to the one for the DSE 2019 summer school held at the Chicago Booth.