Booth School of Business and the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago
8-14 July 2019
Theme: Applications of Structural Dynamic Models in Industrial Organization, Marketing, and Business Analytics
This is a past event
You are welcome to browse the lecture schedule and the conference program using the links on the left, as well as browse through the teaching materials available through a public GitHub repository, and videos posted on our YouTube channel.
The 2019 Econometric Society DSE summer school consist of 5 days of lectures held in conjunction with the 3rd Conference on Structural Dynamic Models (July 10-11, 2019). Besides the core components, including single agent models, equilibrium models, and dynamic games, the course will also feature applications that follows the special theme of this year’s conference, which is: Industrial organization, marketing and business analytics.
Both events will take place at Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago during the second week of July 2019. Students attending the summer school are expected to participate in the two day conference and the summer school is therefore planned for 2 days before and 3 days after the conference (Monday to Tuesday, July 8-9, and Friday to Sunday, July 12-14).
This year the DSE summer school will be attended by students following the six weeks bootcamp in computational economics organized by the Open Source Economics Laboratory at the University of Chicago in July and August 2019.
- Victor Aguirregabiria (University of Toronto)
- Øystein Daljord (Chicago Booth)
- Paul Ellickson (University of Rochester)
- Brett Gordon (Northwestern University)
- Günter J. Hitsch (Chicago Booth)
- Fedor Iskhakov (Australian National University)
- Michael Keane (University of New South Wales)
- Ariel Pakes (Harvard Univeristy)
- Whitney Newey (MIT)
- Sanjog Misra (Chicago Booth)
- Robert A. Miller (Carnegie Mellon)
- John Rust (Georgetown University)
- Bertel Schjerning (University of Copenhagen).
Student evaluations

Course Fee
There is a $500 course fee to contribute to the cost of hotels and airfares for lecturers and to cover local expenses such as breakfasts, coffee breaks and lunches. Participants are expected to cover their travel and lodging expenses. Course fee will be collected after admission of students.
Course program
Given the overlap of lectures with previous years, the course outline will be similar to the one for the DSE 2018 summer school held in Copenhagen. The most notably difference compared to 2018 is that we plan to put an even stronger focus on structural econometrics of dynamic structural microeconomic models. We are pleased to annouce that Günter J. Hitsch (Chicago Booth) and Robert A Miller (Carnegie Mellon) will join the team of lecturers.
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