DSE summer school will equip early and mid-stage PhD students with tools and hands-on computational instruction in formulating, solving, and estimating dynamic structural econometric models with applications in multiple fields such as development, labor, industrial organization, public economics, and macroeconomics.
The summer school will consist of 5 days of lectures and will run alongside with 2 days conference in dynamic structural econometrics. The conference brings together top junior and senior researchers from the field to discuss recent advances in theoretical and applied work.
Applications and Submissions
Important dates
- March 31 Submission deadline
- April 15 Admission and acceptance decisions
- May 15 Registration deadline
- June 30 - July 6 DSE 2025 summer school
- July 3-4 DSE 2025 conference
Application and registration links
DSE submissions are handled by Conference Maker website.
Apply to DSE2025 summer school
Submit paper to DSE2025 conference
There are several types of registration:
- Admitted on-site DSE summer school students
(tuition £300) - On-site conference participant
(fee £150) - Online participant, summer school and conference
(fee £100)
Further information will be sent to prospective participants upon registration.
Invited speakers and lecturers
Lecturers of the summer school and invited conference speakers include:
2025 local organizers
Core organizers
We look forward to having you for DSE2025 in June/July in London!