This is a past event

You are welcome to browse the lecture schedule and the conference program using the links on the left, as well as browse through the teaching materials available through a public GitHub repository, and videos posted on our YouTube channel.

Lecture materials Video recordings

DSE summer school will equip early and mid-stage PhD students with tools and hands-on computational instruction in formulating, solving, and estimating dynamic structural econometric models, with particular focus on methods for incorporating observed and unobserved heterogeneity and using the models for policy evaluation in a variety of empirical applications in multiple fields such as development, labor, industrial organization, public economics, and macroeconomics.

The summer school will consist of 4 days of lectures and will run alongside with 2 days conference in dynamic structural econometrics. The conference brings together top junior and senior researchers from the field to discuss recent advances in theoretical and applied work.

Announcement at the Econometric Society website


Important dates

  • May 1 Submission deadline
  • June 1 Admission and acceptance decisions
  • July 1 Registration deadline
  • August 4-9 DSE 2024 summer school
  • August 6-7 DSE 2024 conference

Getting around

Invited speakers and lecturers

Lecturers of the summer school and invited conference speakers include:

Victor Aguirregabiria

Victor Aguirregabiria
University of Toronto

Stephane Bonhomme

Stephane Bonhomme
University of Chicago

Dean Corbae

Dean Corbae
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fatih Guvenen

Fatih Guvenen
University of Minnesota

Panle Jia Barwick

Panle Jia Barwick
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Karam Kang

Karam Kang
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mar Reguant

Mar Reguant
Northwestern University

Kim Ruhl

Kim Ruhl
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chris Taber

Chris Taber
University of Wisconsin-Madison

2024 organizers

Jean-François Houde

Jean-François Houde
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rasmus Lentz

Rasmus Lentz
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Core organizers

Fedor Iskhakov

Fedor Iskhakov
Australian National University

Robert A. Miller

Robert A. Miller
Carnegie Mellon University

John Rust

John Rust
Georgetown University

Bertel Schjerning

Bertel Schjerning
University of Copenhagen

We look forward to having you for DSE2024 in Wisconsin in August!
