29 and 30 August 2017
This conference on implementation of structural economic models of dynamic behavior with empirical applications is organised by cemmap and the Department of Economics at University College London (UCL). The conference programme offers an exciting mix of applied and theoretical work.
Confirmed speakers
Jaap H. Abbring (Tilburg University) Victor Aguirregabiria (University of Toronto) Matteo Bobba (TSE) Moshe Buchinsky (UCLA) Sanghmitra Gautam (WashU) Daniel Goetz (Toronto) Mitsuru Igami (Yale) Michael Keane (University of Oxford) Elena Krasnokuskya (Johns Hopkins) Joan Llull (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) Arvind Magesan (Calgary) |
Bob Miller (Carnegie Mellon) Pedro Mira (CEMFI) Lars Nesheim (UCL) Florian Oswald (Sciences Po) Theodore Papageorgiou (McGill) Ami Ko (UPenn) Nicolas Roys (St Louis Fed) John Rust (Georgetown University) Sharon Traiberman (Yale) Haiqing Xu (Texas-Austin) |